
Organik bebek mendili, DIY

Ev yapımı organik ıslak bebek mendilleri ( ya da makyaj temizleme mendili)

You may not be a mom, but I hope you keep reading, these also make GREAT homemade make-up remover wipes! Also, I’m willing to bet that you might be a grandma, aunt, Godmother, or have a friend with kids – pass it on!
Since my daughter has been small, we have been making our own baby wipes. Simply put, I. Love. It.  Although wipes aren’t thaaat expensive, making the wipes myself saves me a trip to the store, I have all the stuff on hand anyways, and plus I know what’s going onto my daughter’s skin.
Even if you get the sensitive skin or all-natural wipes, some of the ingredients in the wipes aren’t the best (think harsh chemicals and drying agents). I know and can pronounce the ingredients in my wipes. I can count on one hand the number of rashes we’ve had – I’d like to think the wipes helped with that!
Now that a year has almost passed, we’ve made them with different ingredients, mixtures, and brands. Throughout the tutorial, I’ll explain which ones worked for us as well as tricks we’ve learned along the way!
Here’s what you’ll need:
2 containers
1 roll of select-a-size paper towels (Bounty works best)
4 cups water
squirt or two of organic baby wash of your choice
generous spoonful of coconut oil (found in a health foods or vitamin store)
First, you need a container, here are the ones I use:
Both are Rubbermaid containers, they don’t make the one on the left anymore (find them at garage sales!) but the on the right can be found at K-Mart, Target, Wal-mart for around $4.99. Both work great, but I love that the one on the right has four tabs that you lift to open it, making it easy to do with one hand.  It’s the Rubbermaid Lock-its line and this is the 7 cup container.
-Make sure your kitchen or other working area is clean before you start, you don’t want crumbs in your wipes! Get your paper towel roll ready.
We tried using other brands, but nothing works as well as the Bounty Select-a-Size. You won’t waste as much since your wipes are smaller and they won’t rip and roll up like cheaper brands. They are a bit more, but if you’re good and use them only for wipe making, it’ll end up costing you about $0.75 a container – still cheaper than buying wipes!
-Take a clean, large, sharp, non-serrated knife and cut your paper towel roll in half. If you use a serrated knife, you’ll end up with little fuzzies in your wipes (trust me, I have!). Brush off any little pieces of fuzz that are left on or loose.
-Set aside while you make your wipes solution.
-For your solution, you’ll need 2 cups of water per container, or 4 cups total. I like to use the biggest measuring cup I have (8 cups) so it allows for some room and splashing while I stir.
-Add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Coconut oil has a melting point of 76 degrees, meaning that it is solid and white at anything less than that (looks like shortening). To warm it up, take the amount you’re using, put it in a saucepan with a bit of your water and heat it just warm enough to melt (76 degrees, so it won’t take long). Once melted, pour the mixture into your water and stir.
If your house or area is really hot (like our old apartment or my mom’s house), more than likely your coconut oil will always stay melted in the container without needing to heat it.
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Why coconut oil?
It’s naturally anti-bacterial, microbial, and fungal, the perfect moisturizer your skin, plus it smells great.
This is all that we use in place of lotion and it is amazing. Find it at Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe or any other health store, these are two of the brands I’ve seen there. It’s about $10 for that small container, but it will last you a long time (we also use it as a cooking oil and have had this container since before Christmas).
-Add in about a squirt or two of organic baby wash. It may not seem like enough, but keep in mind you are not rinsing them like after a bath and you may have a bit of soapy residue left if you use more. Stir gently.
I strongly recommend using an organic, sensitive, baby soap. We use Shakleebaby – the other washes are tough your little one’s skin and have chemicals you may not want lingering on their little butt!
You use less of the good stuff, so although it may be more than the jug of J&J, it will last you much longer.
-Pour your mixture evenly into the containers, about 2 cups per container.
-Place the paper towel rolls cut/fuzzy side down into the container and solution. Your containers might be bigger than mine, but if not, don’t freak out if they look like the containers are too small. I promise you – they’re not. ;)
-Smoosh your paper towel down with the lid and make sure it seals shut. See – I told you they’re not too small! Turn your containers upside down, stack them if you like, and walk away for no less than 5 minutes.
-Come back, open up (see, they stayed smooshed!), and take out the inside paper towel roll. Don’t try to do this earlier on while it’s dry (I did) it doesn’t work and just makes a big mess…
-Take out the start of the roll in the center, pop it up for easy grabbing, and close the lid. You’re done!

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