
Dantelli inci bileklik

I have a quick tutorial for you if you’d like to make your own.
You’ll need:
  • leather cording – I used about 28″
  • hem tape lace
  • pearls – I used 16
  • thread
  • a bead with a larger hole in the center
  • optional – a thimble
Start by cutting your cording into 14″ pieces. You’ll trim some of this off later but it’s better to have extra.

Start in the center and work your way down one end – sewing the pearls to the cording. Put your needle through one piece of cording (a thimble helps with this), then through your pearl, then through the other piece of cording. Make a small knot in the thread and then move on to the next pearl. You don’t need to cut your thread, it won’t show once you cover it with the lace.

Continue adding pearls down one side – 8 in all. Wrap your bracelet around your wrist as you go – you might need to do less or more pearls depending on the size of your wrist.

Move to the other side of the cording and add 8 more pearls on that side.

Once your pearls are all sewn on, you can start wrapping your lace. I used hem lace.

Cut a long piece – and start wrapping it around the cording between the pearls. I put the lace through a large yarn needle – this helped thread it between the pearls more easily.

Keep wrapping all the way down one side of the cording.

Repeat with the other side.

Wrap your lace around the cording on one end and knot it. Do this twice in the same place so you have a kind of chunky knot.

Make a second knot about 1/2″ down from the first one around the cording again. Trim your cording and lace so there is about 3 or 4″ hanging after the knot.

On the other side of the bracelet make a chunky knot similar to the first one you did. Trim the cording about 1″ below this. One one piece of the lace thread your bead and knot the lace after it. Trim your lace pieces about 1 – 2″ below this. This is what you will thread through the two knots you make on the other side to hold the bracelet on.

Try it on and admire your new handy-dandy bracelet!!

kaynak: flamingotoes

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